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Chloe Almeida

Skyrocket Your Productivity with Skylab Studio: A Testimonial

Nov 23, 2023

Meet Bill Freeman - his Houston-based studio, Freeman Photography, has been a fixture in the industry since 1981. Steeped in talent and expertise, the studio has evolved from film development to digital innovation. But workflow challenges such as bottlenecks in production, consistent color composition and correct head sizing aren’t a thing of a past.

Embracing Skylab Studio

Incorporating Skylab Studio into Freeman Photography’s workflow was a no-brainer. Tasks that used to take 'five, six minutes per kid' now breeze through in minutes for an entire school and as Freeman shares, “We upload the images, and in no time, we've got the entire school at our fingertips.” Skylab Studio flipped the script for Freeman Photography, sparking a productivity boost, slashing turnaround times and delivering consistent top-notch results.

And while we love reading this, hearing these words sound even better coming from Bill himself. Check out this video and you’ll see for yourself!

This Is Why We Do It

To Bill and the Freeman Photography team, thank you for placing your trust in us and making Skylab Studio an integral part of your process. Knowing that our clients are happy is all the motivation we need to keep going!
